Prestar Marketing

Foldable Storage Wire Mesh

Introducing the Foldable Storage Wire Mesh, a versatile storage solution designed for convenience and adaptability. This wire mesh is available in three folding types: Outward, Inward, and Folio, providing flexibility to suit various storage needs. With impressive load capacities ranging from 800 kg to 1500 kg, this foldable storage solution is ideal for efficiently managing and organizing items in a wide range of settings.
  • Capacity: 800 kg to 1500 kg
  • Flexibility in Operation: Outward, Inward, and Folio, providing flexibility to suit various storage needs.
  • Built for Reliability: impressive load capacities ranging from 800 kg to 1500 kg.
  • Folding Type Type: Outward, Inward, and Folio
  • Load Capacity:800 kg/1200 kg/1500 kg
  • Stackable: Yes
  • Product Code: S02-Stocky-3-56 800KG | S02-Stocky-5-56, 1200KG | S02-Stocky-7-56 1500KG

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